When you put on an event, your sponsors help amplify everything you do. The additional budget allows for more activities or enhances the features you planned. It also generates revenue for your business. To make this process worthwhile for your sponsors, however, you want to highlight their brand. When sponsors feel as though sponsoring your event gives them an excellent platform to attract their own leads and promote brand awareness, they become far more likely to want to sponsor your events in the future. Sponsorships from reputable, well-known brands can also serve as a promotion for your event, indicating that you have an event worth attending.
We have put together a list of 10 innovative ways to promote your sponsors so that you can create this type of appealing display for those interested in sponsoring your events.
Here are ten great ideas to get you started.
How to Display Sponsors at an Event
1. Branded Entrance Displays

To welcome your attendees to your event, consider your entrance.
Welcome Signs and Banners
Welcome signs and banners that greet people as they walk into the event can feature sponsor logos and names, broadcasting the brands to all your attendees.
Red Carpet with Sponsor Branding
You can also create a fun entrance for everyone to your event by designing a red carpet welcome. Laying out the carpet, welcoming certain attendees through the grand entrance, and lining the space with sponsor names and logos can promote these key brands.
2. Interactive Digital Screens
Incorporate some technology into your event planning by using digital screens to highlight your sponsors.
Rotating Sponsors Slideshows
A rotating sponsor slideshow is a popular way to display your sponsors and their ads or highlight videos. With a slideshow, you can rotate through your sponsors so that they all get equal air time and so your attendees can view a variety of different engaging features.
Live Social Media Feeds
With technology, you can also incorporate the sponsors’ social media feeds with highlighted posts that offer value to your attendees. This can be incorporated into display screens or with your event app. Not only does this promote your sponsors, but they will appreciate the push for their social pages, which can boost their own lead potential.
3. Creative Table Settings
Next, consider how you set up your tables and how you can use the arrangements to promote your sponsors.
Centerpieces Featuring Sponsors
The centerpieces you place on each table can get you started. Incorporating brand logos into designs or creating themed displays can quickly catch people’s attention. If a sponsor works in an art-related field, for example, you can feature some of their designs. You might also create centerpieces from illustrated boards or displays featured prominently on each table.
Themed Place Cards
If your event features a formal sit-down meal, you will also create place cards to help people find their seats. Use these cards to incorporate sponsor-themed designs. Including their logo or other brand imaging will draw attention to each one, and if you pair it with a QR code, your guests can also easily learn more about who they are and what they offer.
4. Sponsor Lounge Areas
For higher-level sponsors, you might also offer special features like a sponsor lounge area. Here’s how that might look.
Dedicated Sponsor Zones
A dedicated sponsor zone will be popular with many professionals. This space can feature plenty of sponsor branding and sponsor materials in a relaxed atmosphere. Representatives from the sponsor can use the space to relax and network with attendees as they wander into the lounge, providing everyone with much-appreciated time to engage with other professionals.
Branded Furniture
If you don’t want to set a zone off for a specific sponsor, you might also use your general lounge areas and incorporate sponsor-themed furniture in the space. Attendees like lounges as spaces to unwind between events, recharge computers, and generally prepare for the next activity. Incorporating the furniture in a space that people appreciate will create positive associations for the brand your sponsors will enjoy.
5. Engaging Photo Opportunities
Pictures are a great way to mark occasions and create mementos. When your sponsors are included in these spaces, it gets them incorporated into souvenirs, which they like.
Photo Backdrops with Sponsor Branding
Setting up photo booths offers attendees a great way to unwind and enjoy themselves. Using the photo booth backdrop to include sponsors logos gets your sponsors involved and makes for excellent brand awareness building.
Social Media Promotion
With people creating event apps, tags, pages, and sharing photos, you also have a great opportunity for further sponsor promotion. You can share and promote sponsored pictures through your own account and encourage people to share them. Your sponsor pictures might include shots of sponsor representatives engaging with attendees, their demonstrations, or official branding material.
6. Branded Merchandise

Merch also offers great ways to get creative with sponsorship packages.
Giveaways and Swag Bags
You will likely put together event giveaways or a swag bag for people to take home after the event. Consider offering your sponsors branded merchandise to stick in as well. This might range from featuring their logo on fun giveaways to postcards with QR codes and exclusive discounts for attendees.
On-Site Merchandise
If you sell on-site merchandise, you can also incorporate that into your sponsorship packages. Branded bags, clothing, or unique items can give your sponsor extra attention from those at the event.
7. Customized Program Materials
Your program also provides space for promoting sponsors.
Program Guides Featuring Sponsors
On your program or agenda, you have space to highlight your sponsors. Include their logos or brand names, draw attention to their booths or networking opportunities, and provide information for people who want to learn more about what they have to offer.
Interactive Event Apps
As you build your event app, you can incorporate your sponsors into the space. Calling people’s attention to sponsored activities, sharing photos featuring your sponsors, and highlighting brand logos and names on a rotating basis throughout the app will go a long way in building brand recognition.
8. Sponsored Activities or Experiences

Sponsors will appreciate opportunities to offer activities or experiences directly to event attendees.
Games and Contests
Games and contests add fun and entertainment to your event and can also draw attention to your sponsors. Allowing them to organize these types of activities gives them space to engage directly with your attendees and highlight their offerings.
Workshops or Sessions Led by Sponsors
You might also offer sponsors time in the schedule to host workshops or special sessions. Attendees might drop in or sign up to participate through your event app. These sessions add value for your attendees by allowing them to dive more deeply into your sponsor offerings.
9. Creative Use of Lighting
Consider also getting creative with how you use your lighting throughout the event.
Logo Projections
Logo projections using lighting can be a uniquely creative way to broadcast sponsor logos and attract the attention of everyone at the event. Using lighting like this will immediately draw people’s eyes and build positive associations.
Themed Light Displays
Lighting can also create themed displays that people will find enthralling. Themed light displays might incorporate logos, sponsor colors, highlight sponsor areas, or otherwise draw the eye to your sponsor displays.
10. Post-Event Recognition
Finally, once your event wraps up, use the post-event period to highlight your sponsors and what they offered your brand and event.
Thank You Posts on Social Media
Social postings can reach an audience outside of your attendees, pleasing your sponsors. They also encourage sharing and engagement, which can further build their lead list.
Highlighting Sponsors in Recap Materials
In any recap materials you produce, such as blog posts, articles, videos, reports, or newsletters, you can also call out your sponsors and highlight what they offered at your event. Highlight any contributions they made to the activities, their participation in your sponsorship program, and the value they offer your attendees.
Conclusion: How to Display Sponsors at an Event
Creatively highlighting your sponsors can create a valuable experience for these event participants and build an enjoyable experience for your attendees. Sponsorship packages can go beyond brand inclusion on websites or promotional materials to create an enriching opportunity for everyone.
If you are looking for new ways to highlight your sponsors, consider some of the ideas we outlined above. These ten ideas can help you build outstanding sponsorship packages and boost the overall success of your event.