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Event Sponsors

How to Write An Event Sponsorship Letter With Templates

A2Z Team June 17, 2024
Table of Contents
10 min read

When you’re planning a larger event, it may be more than your business can manage on its own. In these situations, you may want to consider having sponsors to help defray the cost of the event while supporting your overall vision. Securing these sponsorships can be a vital factor in your event planning, as it can give you brand exposure as well as financial resources to help make your event a success. But how should you approach your sponsorship request letter effectively while getting a positive response from them to your sponsorship request?

Part of the process is knowing how you should write a sponsorship letter that will get you a positive response. As in-person events gain traction again following the COVID-19 pandemic, global event sponsorship is growing significantly, with an expected CAGR from 2023 to 2027 of 3.5%. Combined with a tumultuous economy, it can be difficult to get the sponsorship that you need in the tough competition these days.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. We’ll guide you through the entire process in this article, including how to find potential sponsors, how to craft a proper sponsorship letter that converts, and how to thank your sponsors after your event. This should help you get a positive response for your event sponsorship needs, even in our difficult economy.

How To Ask for Sponsorship for an Event

Though it can be tempting to simply fire off an email asking some of your best customers and industry leaders to sponsor your event, that’s not the right way to go about it. Having a clear strategy in place when approaching prospective sponsors can help improve your success rate while getting the best return on your invested time and effort. Here are a few steps to go through when you’re asking for an event sponsorship.

  1. Identify your goals
    • Start by defining the exact objectives and outcomes you want to achieve. Then put yourself in your possible sponsor’s shoes to consider what they would gain from sponsoring your event. Will they gain exposure? Brand visibility? Positive public image? Networking opportunities? Find the intersection between your goals and their benefits, which will help you find the right sponsors and how to approach them.
  2. Research potential sponsors
    • To identify the sponsors you want to approach as prospects, start by looking for companies and individuals who would be aligned with your target audience’s values and interests. Undertake thorough research, and look at businesses that have a history of sponsoring events to approach. If your event is local or regional, consider approaching local businesses that would have the most to gain from a sponsorship.
  3. Set a timeline
    • You’ll need to receive funds on time to put them to use for your event, but you also need to take into account usual business accounting cycle timelines. Some companies will have to work you into their system, add an invoice, and then print out and authorize the check at a specific time. Financial agreements may be involved as well. If it’s an international event, the process may take longer. Provide sufficient time to move the money for the event, and plan accordingly.
  4. Craft your letter
    • Once you’ve targeted your prospective sponsors, find out who at that company handles those details. This allows you to personalize your letter as you craft it to improve your odds of success. Tell them why you are contacting their company, how the sponsorship aligns with their goals, the benefits they would receive from sponsorship, and similar details. Craft the entire document to focus on their benefit to improve the odds of achieving a positive outcome.
  5. Put together sponsorship packages
    • Because businesses are often at different points in their financial cycles, they may be able to sponsor different levels of sponsorship. Create a sponsorship package that allows differing levels of benefits based on the level of sponsorship. Create a page on your event website outlining available sponsorship packages and the benefits thereof. Consider adding video, sponsor testimonials, and similar collateral to the page.
  6. Always follow up
    • Track your efforts and follow up with your prospects after a reasonable period of time. Busy schedules, large projects, and similar factors may have caused your letter to be overlooked. Taking the time to create a polite, professional follow-up letter or email can remind the individual of the initial contact while showcasing your dedication to creating a successful sponsorship opportunity.

3 Sponsorship Templates

Now that you’ve had a chance to see how the process of creating a sponsorship letter often proceeds, here are three different sponsorship templates you can use, though we do recommend that you take the time to tailor each one to your target audience. These include sponsorship letters for trade shows and expos, for conferences, and for corporate events.

The Tradeshow & Expo Sponsorship Letter

Subject: A Partnership Opportunity: Sponsorship Details for [Event Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope that this letter finds you well. I’m [Your Name] with [Your Company], and we’re excited to present you with opportunities for sponsorship of our next [Event Name] on [Event Date] at [Event Venue].

You’ll find that at [Your Company], we’re dedicated to [Brief Description of Mission or Purpose]. The reason we’re holding our [Event Name] is to [Briefly Describe Goals and Purpose of Event].

Because of the similarity in the goals we have with [Their Company Name], we think you’d be an ideal partner for our event, and your support would provide you with the opportunity to showcase your commitment to [Mission or Purpose], outstanding brand visibility, and exceptional networking opportunities.

We have a range of sponsorship opportunities to match your budget and objectives. When you become a sponsor for [Event Name], [Their Company Name] will receive a range of benefits that include:

1) Placement of logo and related marketing collateral on event promotional materials, signage, and the mobile event app, building your brand awareness

2) Recognition of sponsorship in related press releases and during media coverage to provide growth of your positive public image

3) Exclusive access to all of our event attendees including networking opportunities to connect with professionals from the industry

4) Verbal sponsorship acknowledgment during opening and closing remarks to help promote your positive public image

5) Opportunities to distribute marketing materials or promotional items to event participants to grow your brand

Our comprehensive sponsorship package is attached, providing you with detailed information on each sponsorship level and its benefits.

I would be more than happy to discuss these opportunities with you in further detail to explore how our partnership can provide [Their Company Name] with the best benefits. Please feel free to contact me to schedule a meeting or phone call to discuss any questions or concerns you have.

Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting [Event Name]. Our event’s success depends on sponsorship from companies like yours and demonstrates the commitment you have to our community’s initiatives.

I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with [Their Company Name] to make [Event Name] successful and memorable. Please reply to this communication or call me at [Your Phone Number] to further discuss this opportunity. 

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Kind Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

The Conference Sponsorship Letter

Subject: Opportunity for Sponsorship: Partnering for [Event Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Greetings, and I hope this letter finds you well. I’m [Your Name], and I’m contacting you on behalf of [Your Company] about our upcoming [Event Name] on [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. This event is a great opportunity to support our industry, and I hope we can count on your assistance to make it a success.

At [Your Company], we are focused on [Briefly describe your company’s purpose or mission]. The [Event Name] is designed to [Briefly describe event’s purpose and goals].

Given the similarity of our goals, we think [Company Name] would be the perfect partner for this event. At the same time, your support would provide [Company Name] with amazing brand visibility, the chance to showcase your commitment to our industry, and exceptional networking opportunities.

To match a range of objectives and budgets, we’ve created a range of sponsorship opportunities. When you become a sponsor for [Event Name], [Company Name] will receive benefits including:

1) The opportunity to distribute promotional items or marketing materials to conference attendees, giving you the opportunity to build brand recognition

2) Logo and marketing collateral placement on event signage, promotional material, and the mobile event app, creating a positive public image

3) Verbal acknowledgment of sponsors in the conference’s opening and closing remarks, creating interest in your brand

4) Exclusive access to our event attendees, including a range of networking opportunities that allow you to connect one-on-one with attendees and build relationships

5) Recognition of sponsors in related press releases and media coverage, which also help in promoting a positive public image

To give you an idea of what’s available at each sponsorship level and its related benefits, I’ve attached our comprehensive sponsorship package.

I would be more than happy to discuss these opportunities for sponsorship further, and to explore how we can create a partnership that yields mutual benefits. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to schedule a phone call or meeting so that I can address any questions or concerns your organization may have.

[]Thank you for taking the time to consider this opportunity to sponsor [Event Name], which would contribute to our conference’s success while demonstrating your commitment to our industry and its initiatives.

I’m looking forward to working with [Company Name] to make [Event Name] both memorable and successful. Please feel free to replay to this letter or contact me at [Your Phone Number] if you would like to further discuss this opportunity.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Kind Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

The Corporate Event Sponsorship Letter

Subject: Exciting Sponsorship Opportunity for [Business Name]: [Brief Summary of Main Benefit]!

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Greetings from [Your Company]! I’m [Your Name], and I’m happy to reach out to you with a sponsorship opportunity that will give your company some amazing benefits. 

At [Your Company], we are known for [Brief Description of Purpose and Mission]. As part of our ongoing efforts to [Purpose of Event], we are organizing a [Event Name] on [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. [Their Company Name] has a similar purpose and mission that we feel would work well with this event, and we’d like to offer you a sponsorship opportunity.

In addition to how [Event Name] helps us promote [Brief Description of Purpose and Mission], this event can also benefit your company by:

1) Promote Your Brand to a Captive Audience: Our event has been very popular in recent years, and provides a great opportunity to increase brand awareness while taking advantage of great networking opportunities with our attendees.

2) Appear on Signs, Apps, and Event Collateral: Along with our company, your partnership will allow [Their Company Name] to appear as our partners in making this event a success, growing brand awareness.

3) Show Your Support for the Industry: With the opportunity to showcase your products, services, and other offerings, your sponsorship ensures that attendees will want to seek you out to see what [Their Company Name] has to offer the industry as a whole.

4) Create Long-Standing Relationships: Your role as a sponsor will appear regularly throughout the event, including at opening and closing remarks. This opportunity also allows you to build a strong positive public image for [Their Company Name]’s brand.

5) Public Recognition of Sponsorship: In addition to appearing in event collateral and on signage, you’ll also appear in any related press releases, public announcements, and similar media coverage, ensuring strong growth for your brand.

If you’re ready to collaborate on creating an amazing event that will both improve our industry and build strong relationships among professionals, I would be more than happy to work with you to find the best options for both our event and your business.

Thank you for taking the time to review this exceptional sponsorship opportunity to connect with our attendees. Let’s chat about this opportunity and the available sponsorship options, or to talk about creating a customized sponsorship package to meet [Their Company Name]’s needs. Please feel free to reply to this letter or call me at [Your Phone Number] to schedule a meeting or phone call.

Thank you for your time and attention to this opportunity.

Sincere Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]

How To Write a Thank-You Letter for Sponsorship

So, when you’ve received a sponsorship, what’s next? Though it can be very easy to focus on getting the contract or negotiations completed and a payment in hand, don’t forget to write a thank-you note to your sponsor. They’re contributing to the success of your event and providing support, an action that makes your job that much easier. A thank-you letter should include personal, sincere, and heart-felt thanks for the sponsorship that they’ve provided. If it has supported a specific initiative, such as event scholarships, particular activities at the event, or similar facets of your overall event, try to provide very specific details about how the money was used, who was supported, or pictures of the activity they sponsored to provide a more personal connection to the event.


Now that you know how to find appropriate sponsors, contact them with an appropriate personalized letter, and then thank them for sponsoring your event, what’s keeping you from acting? Effective communications and relationship-building are of vital importance to your success in securing event sponsorships, so make sure you take the time to nurture those relationships so that it’s easier to approach those companies for partnerships in the future. When you take the time to build industry connections, everyone wins.