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Event Planning

How to Structure Your Event Sponsorship Packages in 4 Steps

A2Z Team June 26, 2019
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3 min read

If you’ve never built sponsorship packages before, it can seem a little overwhelming at first…

“What should I include?”

“How MUCH should I include?”

“How do I make my more expensive packages worth the investment??”

Well, I’m going to let you in on a little secret…it’s all up to you! And if that makes it even more overwhelming, don’t panic. The trick is to create a few basic packages that you can use as guidelines, and then tweak them depending on the sponsor. Here’s how to go about that –

  1. Make a list of your sponsor assets

    What would you offer to a sponsor? Logo placement in various spots (your event website, on-site agenda, signage, etc.), an exhibitor space, complimentary pass(es), thank you’s and mentions from the main stage…whatever you can think of! Sit down with your team and brainstorm a list of things that a sponsor would want, but that also make sense for your finances and your event.

  2. Determine the value of each asset.

    Once you have your list, the easiest way to start to form your packages is to determine the “value” of each asset. Now, that could mean a few different things:

    • The actual monetary value of the asset (or your best estimate)
    • Rearranging that list in order of what assets will get the most visibility from attendees
    • Assigning value based on the time it would take for you or your staff to fulfill it

    Maybe something else, or maybe a combination of things! However you do it, deciding on value of each asset will make the next step much easier…

  3. Draw lines and create your packages

    You probably already know that sponsorships are traditionally packaged into different levels (bronze, silver, gold…exhibitor, premium, title…you get the idea) with the general assets given to all sponsors, while the more valuable, highly visible assets are reserved for sponsors who are investing more in your event.

    But that’s why making a list and assigning a value to each asset will make this a lot easier: Just look at your list and you’ll see a clear indication of where each asset should fall! With the prep work from steps one and two, you should easily be able to create three or four different packages with increasing levels of value.

  4. Add some exclusivity

    Now that you have your basic packages down, see if you can come up with a unique package or two for potential sponsors who REALLY want to stand out among the crowd. These often come in the form of “exclusive” sponsorships – or, the only sponsor of your dinner reception, a specific activity, some kind of swag, etc.

    These packages can (and should) include some of your more basic assets, but it’s important to ensure that they are the only sponsor represented at that event or on that piece of swag. It IS an exclusive sponsorship, after all!

Once you get into conversations with potential sponsors, you’ll see where you may want to add or remove assets (and add or remove sponsorship dollars accordingly) depending on the sponsor’s needs. Your packages are really just a guideline: Don’t be afraid to get creative!

The more tailored your packages are, the more likely the sponsor will see value in their investment – and then invest in your event year after year!