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Event Registration

Event Registration Table Best Practices  

A2Z Team October 1, 2024
Table of Contents
6 min read

The registration experience is one of the first opportunities to interact with your event attendees. When someone approaches your event registration table to ask to join your event, you can make a great first impression that will set the tone for the rest of the event. Your event registration desk should run smoothly and efficiently, offering attendees information and an outstanding customer experience.

Let’s look more closely at how event professionals can enhance the attendee experience and streamline the operations during the registration process.

Understanding the Role of an Event Registration Table

The event registration table is the focal point of the entryway into your event. Focusing energy on this environment can help you bring in more attendees and prepare them for all that you have to offer. Let’s look more closely at how you can optimize this space.

Defining Its Functionality

As you begin working on your event setup, you will want to think carefully about how you can use your event registration desks and tables throughout the space.

Think of the event registration desk as the primary point of contact for those who have already registered. They approach the desk to pick up their badges and ask any questions they might have about the event and the activities you have planned. You want this space filled with helpful information, a clear badge sorting system that allows you to find everyone’s identification quickly, and a welcoming atmosphere. You might also have self-service kiosks with your desks, allowing people to check themselves into the event.

The event registration table focuses more on people who have not registered for the event yet. It is used to encourage newcomers and get them registered so they can participate. This table should, therefore, be set up to streamline this process. You want to remove as many obstacles as possible from registration, such as long wait times.

Setting Up for Success

For your event registration table to provide this valuable service, you will need to think about how you set up the space and what needs to be readily available for your team members staffing the table.

Layout and Design

Start by considering where you will place the table and arrange the space. Ensure the space is visible to those who have approached your event with interest and want to get inside. Similarly, verify that all people can easily reach the table. For example, placing it just at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs but far from the elevator can be a significant impediment for anyone with mobility issues.

Creating an inviting and functional space takes some planning. You want to create a branded, welcoming space, so select colors and designs that fit your event. Make sure everything is neatly organized on the table and easy to find, as well. Registration forms, computers for digital registration, and supplies to print badges should all be organized on the table for easy access.

Equipment and Supplies

Your table should also be stocked with plenty of important registration supplies. Consider the following types of items:

  • Laptops
  • Printers
  • Registration forms
  • Badges and lanyards
  • Pens

You also want to have plenty of signage so that people can easily find what they want. Rather than have a bottleneck around the registration table of people looking for particular areas or activities, use signs so people can find these quick answers themselves.

Signs can also direct people to self-check-in options or where to start the registration process, allowing your team to work more effectively.

Staffing And Training

Planning for a quality registration table also involves considering the staff who will manage it and the training they receive.

Qualities of Effective Staff

We already discussed how your registration table will be the first impression many people have of your event; the same principle applies to the people working there. Therefore, you want to think carefully about the personality types you place in this area. Focus on finding people who are:

  • Welcoming
  • Cheerful
  • Organized
  • Leaders

Cultivating staff with these traits will help your table become a helpful focal point, with team members who can manage and direct all the attendees going through the check-in and registration processes so that everyone enters the event with a positive first impression.

Training for Excellence

To help your team members work more effectively, you also want to consider the training they receive. Ensure they are fully prepared to answer any questions that might arise and can keep people on track. This means updating them about where everything is at the event so they can quickly point people in the right direction. You also want to train them on any registration software and technology they need to manage the process.

Provide the team members at this important table with strategies for managing attendee flow and reducing wait times. This means keeping the table organized, directing people through the registration process, and encouraging people to use any kiosks or other self-service options when possible.

To boost your team, assign enough people to manage this area. Having a few team members who can quickly help at the registration table during peak times will also reduce wait times.

Leveraging Technology

To keep these registrations on track, technology can be a big help. Let’s look closely at how these capabilities can simplify the registration process.

Technology solutions

Various forms of technology can facilitate event registration tables so they operate smoothly and efficiently. For example:

  • Digital registration can collect people’s information quickly and add it to the event database.
  • On-site badge printers can get these last-minute registrants standard event badges.
  • Kiosks can allow people to manage registration components independently.
  • Event apps can keep everyone connected and updated with important information.
  • Event databases can help staff quickly organize and access information about all the attendees so they can answer questions and monitor the event from a single location.

Integrating A2Z Events’ Services

Businesses have increasingly turned to A2Z Events to improve their registration services and create an outstanding attendee experience. The technology offered by A2Z Events seamlessly integrates with other aspects of event management, such as customer relationship management, which brings all the information you have about the event together.

When your staff sets up the registration table, A2Z Events will also provide them with digital check-in systems and mobile registration apps, which can help improve the flow of activity around the table and minimize users’ wait time.

A2Z Events also offers features like customizable kiosks, easy badge creation and printing, and dashboards to manage registrations and attendees. With these features, it has never been easier to create a seamless event experience for everyone in attendance.

Enhancing Attendee Experience

To create a truly memorable event experience at the registration table, you want to consider features that will also enhance the attendee experience.

Personalization and Communication

Giving your attendees a personalized welcome as they approach your registration area will go a long way in creating a positive experience. Using technology to provide you with personalized information as people check in or register for your event will help you greet each person individually.

Provide people with an individualized welcome packet, customized with their data and important information they need to know about the event.

Troubleshooting And Support

To manage risks, it helps to think through the potential problems your registration team might encounter and how you can handle the situations. For example, you might encounter a technology malfunction, such as an inability to print badges for new registrants. Having some pre-printed badges that can be personalized by hand can avoid long waits to resolve the issue.

Other common problems might include missing registrations, activity cancelations, or a complicated registration form that slows people down. You might also see excessive crowds and confusion building up around the table if you encounter delays. Some ways to prepare for these potential risks include:

  • Having additional staff on hand in case of crowds
  • Make sure the table is equipped with streamlined, paper registration forms in case of technology malfunctions.
  • Make sure the table has chargers and powerstrips to keep printers and laptops connected.

Thinking through risks for your team can help you take the right precautions.

Prepare an Optimal Registration Table for Your Next Event

Your event registration table gives people one of their first impressions of your event. Making sure this table operates smoothly and helps people navigate the beginning of your event can get everything off to a good start.

Consider the ideas above and consider how implementing some of these strategies can help you improve your upcoming event and boost overall attendee satisfaction.